2 BIGGEST Lead Generation Challenges B2B Brands Face

If you’re not working with any of the top B2B lead generation companies and instead have opted for a DIY approach, the lead generation process can be quite a challenge. This is especially true when you realize that it isn’t just about getting people’s contact details but also acquiring leads that are qualified for sales. Because there’s a big difference between generating leads and generating qualified leads. Many B2B brands focus on the former, which inevitably results in a waste of resources and poor results. 

In that context, here are three lead generation challenges B2B brands face:

  • Creating buyer personas

While as critical as it is, creating buyer personas is a big challenge. So many businesses don’t create one in the first place. Those who want to create it, they don’t know how to. And the ones who do actually create buyer personas, they source and curate poor quality data, which subsequently influence their strategy in the wrong direction. 

Top B2B lead generation companies like Dat-a-ccurate can help you create buyer personas. Once you’re clear on who you’re targeting, you can then outline a lead generation strategy.

  • Driving top-of-the-funnel traffic 

You have a well-designed lead generation mechanism in place. The funnel is properly optimized which assures higher conversion. But then the reality hits: You will generate leads only when there’s an influx of top-of-the-funnel traffic. And this is a whole different conversation altogether. 

Whether you’re trying to drive attention through SEO or social media paid ads, it’s not going to be easy. And that’s a big challenge for your lead generation efforts. Unless you have the right and sufficient traffic, the number of leads you generate would usually be low. 

These are the two biggest lead generation challenges that B2B brands face. If you’re devising your lead gen strategy, make sure to address these challenges and create a dynamic strategy.


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